by Nancy Moser
Finished August 7, 2009
The time travel theme caught my attention. But this isn't a science fiction book. It's a Christian Fiction novel. As such, it gets a little preachy at times, but it is an enjoyable read.
The TTC (Time Travel Corporation) has developed a way to travel back into time. They've decided to offer three people an opportunity to be the first to go back in time. It's advertised as an opportunity to go back and right a wrong or solve a regret. It isn't presented as simply a chance to relive some good times.
The time travelers are given a serum that allows them to travel in time. They are placed into a coma. When a weeks time is up, they are given "dual consciousness." The time traveler will be conscious of his place in the past as well as the present (the future?). At that point he can decide whether to stay in the past or to return to his own time. If he decides to stay, his present body dies.
The science in this book isn't very logical. As I said, it isn't a science fiction book. The time travel device is simply there to carry the theme of addressing past mistakes and regrets.
As a Christian, I didn't mind the preachy-ness. Although it got a bit heavy handed at times. Some of the events were too unrealistic, even for a book in the realm of sci-fi.
In all, it was a satisfying read and I plan to read the sequel, Second Time Around.
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