Saturday, July 21, 2012


An Actor's Education
By John Lithgow
May 2012

I almost forgot about this one.  I listened to this memoir because of a friend's recommendation. She especially liked Lithgow's story of how reading aloud to his critically ill father helped the healing and recovery process.  I agree. That was an excellent story.  The rest of the book is just as good.  It is really Lithgow's account of his journey from childhood to his present career.  In fact, the book really ends when his movie career takes off.

I didn't know that John Lithgow began as purely a theater actor. He may have remained in the theater and been perfectly happy, but Hollywood called and the rest is history. 

I loved the accounts of his early life. His father was a theater producer and director, working primarily in summer theater and college theater.  John, who always wanted to be an artist, found his true calling by working in his father's productions.

I listened to the audiobook, which was narrated by Lithgow himself.  It was a little strange, at first. He read the book as if he was reading anyone else's book. But as the recording progressed, it became more and more conversational.

Very very good.

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